"Your kindness can make a difference in someone's life," wrote Antoine Griezmann, French footballer for Atlético Madrid, in a recent emotional message directed at children as they begin the school year. His post, amplified by the power of his 41...
Supporting your son/daughter through a stressful exam period can be daunting, but parents can have a real impact on a smooth exam season. Just a few tweaks to their daily schedule and approach to revision can really help boost their...
Jon Wayth Headteacher The impact of mobile phones on student cognitive capacity There is no doubt that children and adults alike are becoming more dependent upon and, indeed, addicted to their mobile devices. Many of us probably cannot...
Toñi Legidos Martínez Upper School Teacher and Digital Leader Surely many of you have already heard this term, gamification, related to business fields or human resources but, have you wondered about its application in education? Let’s try to bring...
Natalia Tomás Navarro Head of Sixth Form In preparation for our fourth Global Be-well Day and coinciding with the visit of Rachel Musson who will be working with our Sixth formers on Leadership, I would like to share my reflections on...
Jon Wayth Head of Upper School The impact of mobile phones on student cognitive capacity There is no doubt that children and adults alike are becoming more dependent upon and, indeed, addicted to their mobile devices. Many of...
Ciara Ryan Primary teacher and Lower School Teaching and Learning leader The Primary school years, the foundation level at which children develop their literacy and numeracy skills, think analytically, face challenges and learn to solve problems independently. These...
Natalia Tomás Navarro Head of Sixth Form Choosing a career is a long and overwhelming process but it all begins with a good foundation on the basics. It is important therefore that students understand the what, how, and why...
Toni Marín Bachillerato teacher and Technical Director in charge of Spanish national university applications Duality, cosmological constant and determinism versus uncertainty are quantum concepts that are applicable to education in my view. 18 years of experience support my...